Meet Amanda Perkowski, a talented Grand Prix dressage rider and trainer based in Wellington, Florida, and proud r3vobanD rider! We asked Amanda to share a bit about herself, her journey in the equestrian world, and the training philosophy that guides her work with horses. In her blog post, Amanda offers valuable insights into building trust and connection with horses, whether starting with groundwork or refining movements in the Grand Prix arena. Read on to learn more about Amanda’s inspiring approach and dedication to her craft!
My name is Amanda Perkowski, and I am a 26 year old dressage trainer and Grand Prix rider based in Wellington, Florida. I went independent as a trainer in April of 2023 and started my own business, and have been based out of the beautiful Top Meadow Farm @topmeadowfarm_ since April of 2024. I currently have 12 horses in full training for the upcoming Winter season, and manage a full care service for what will be around 26 horses this season. My early riding years began with multiple working student positions, then working as a rider at a large sale barn in Europe and then in the USA. Since 2019 I have continually trained with US Olympian Allison Brock, who has been a huge source of guidance and system for me throughout my development as a rider.
One of my biggest philosophy’s of my riding life is never to stop learning. I am constantly trying to deepen the understanding I have of my horse, my self, and myself working with the horse. I try to prioritize reading, watching videos series, clinics, or listening to online podcasts or audiobooks in my schedule, even when it gets very busy, to help keep my mind open and in tune. I train in the gym four days per week, try and stretch everyday, and do what I can to arrive to ride each day feeling relaxed and present for my horses.
Whether working with a young horse or a Grand Prix horse, I believe the basic principles are the same. The horse has to understand that your body signals and internal energetic intentions have a meaning for him. He has to build the trust that he can follow you and your aids, and find a good feeling in his body and mind by doing so. Finding that connection can start through groundwork in hand, in as basic a place as doing walk halt transitions while leading your horse. Done without clear intention, we give no consistent signal, sound or body language when we ask our horse to stop or go. We might pull on the lead or the reins to get him to stop, and get a delayed reaction. But done with intention, for example: leaning forward and moving your hand forward to signal walk while raising your internal energy and directing it forward, or leaning back and standing still to halt while always making the same sound, you will have a horse that stops and goes next to you like butter with a few repetitions. This idea most basically described applies to everything we do as riders. We must be consistent, relaxed, and gain the horse’s trust in following our aids. We show him how to use his body in a soft, forward way that feels nice to him, as we progressively increase the level of challenge in the questions we ask him, building confidence throughout the way.
One notable horse in my barn and on my journey is Sonata MF, a 9 year old mare by Sir Donnerhall x Don Príncipe. I began riding her at the end of her 6 year old year, and have competed her since in the CDI 7 year olds, International Small Tour, Developing Grand Prix, and recently began competing in the national Grand Prix. She is a talented lady with a tremendous amount of heart in her, and I will always be very thankful for the opportunity to continue to develop her and excited to see what the future holds.
Das r3vobanD ist ein innovatives, 3D-gedrucktes Polstersystem, das entwickelt wurde, um den Druck auf die empfindlichen Stellen des Pferdekopfes zu reduzieren und die Anlehnung zu verbessern.
Das r3vobanD ist für alle Pferde und Reitstile geeignet, da es sich flexibel an die Kopfform des Pferdes anpasst und in Kombination mit unterschiedlichen Trensen und Gebissen verwendet werden kann. Es eignet sich sowohl für Dressur-, Spring- als auch Freizeitreiter und kann bei Pferden mit sensiblen oder problematischen Maul- und Kopfbereichen besonders hilfreich sein.
Das r3vobanD ist in verschiedenen Größen und Varianten verfügbar und eignet sich für die meisten Pferde. Bei Unsicherheiten empfehlen wir, uns ein Foto Ihres Pferdes zu schicken, um eine Größenempfehlung zu erhalten. Bei Fragen helfen wir gerne weiter.
Ja, das r3vobanD ist für den Einsatz auf nationalen und internationalen Turnieren zugelassen.
Das r3vobanD lässt sich einfach am Zaumzeug befestigen und kann je nach Modell mit oder ohne Klammern verwendet werden.
Das r3vobanD wird aus einem langlebigen und flexiblen TPU-Material hergestellt, das für seine stoßabsorbierenden Eigenschaften bekannt ist.
Das r3vobanD kann mit Wasser und mildem Seifenwasser gereinigt werden. Bitte vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit Lösungsmitteln oder scharfen Reinigungsmitteln.
Ja, wir bieten eine 90-tägige Zufriedenheitsgarantie an. Sollten Sie nicht zufrieden sein, können Sie das Produkt zurücksenden und erhalten eine Rückerstattung.
Die Lieferzeit beträgt in der Regel 2-3 Werktage nach dem 3D-Druckvorgang, abhängig von der Bestellmenge und dem Versandziel.